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Business workshops and events that will remain memorable for a long time

People who play learn better.


Team Events

Poker nights that offer more than just pure entertainment. We focus on team building and that your guests take away many new learnings.


Online or offline.


Team Development

We design business seminars that focus specifically on your chosen topic. Thanks to concepts from game theory, new approaches to solutions emerge.


Online or offline.



Rent roulette, blackjack or poker tables: We deliver your very personal Casino Royale with dealers and croupiers.


On-site at your location in Switzerland and abroad close to the border.

News (DE/EN/FR/EN)

New every Monday: News from the poker and event world

Spielen, Networken, Mehrwert generieren


Am 3. November 2023 bieten wir interessierten Businessleuten einen coolen Event an, wo wir spielerisch Business Kontakte knüpfen können.


Auch wer verliert gewinnt Kontakte: Wir vernetzen Macherinnen und Macher am Pokertisch.


Ob Profi oder Pokerbeginner spielt keine Rolle. Bei unseren Veranstaltungen steht das Netzwerken an erster Stelle. Und auch wer bisher noch nie an einem Pokertisch gesessen ist, hat trotzdem Chancen zu gewinnen: Wir bieten als PokerAcademy natürlich allen eine kurze Pokerschulung an und unsere Dealerinnen und Dealer beantworten gerne alle offenen Fragen - auch während des Spiels.


Das BusinessPokern ist somit für jede Person interessant, die offen ist für neue Geschäftskontakte und Erfahrungen. Wer aus dem Turnier ausscheidet, kann entweder sein Glück erneut versuchen oder die restliche Zeit für den Austausch mit Sponsoren, Veranstaltern, Gründern und Unternehmern nutzen.


Vernetze Dich beim lockeren Austausch mit spannenden Persönlichkeiten - Geh "All-In" und gewinne Preise unserer Sponsoren. Snacks und alkoholfreie Getränke sind für alle Event-Teilnehmer inklusive.


Jetzt anmelden für den Freitag, 3. November 2023


In Zusammenarbeit mit in Deutschland






We make the difference.

And we do not bluff.

Personal Consulting

We do work with passion, brain + heart

Trained coaches and trainers

Punctual and reliable

Many years of experience

Multilingual (de, en, fr, it)

Qualified references

Large international network

We are real players


References (excerpt)

Caroline Zweiacker

Basler & Hofmann AG

«From our point of view, it was an extremely successful evening. I have received only great feedback so far, many of the participants were totally enthusiastic. I would like to thank you very much for the uncomplicated, competent and always very pleasant cooperation with you in the run-up and with all of you during the event.»

Franziska Gaitzsch

«Thank you very much, the blackjack tables were great, all guests and ourselves were thrilled and it was a real icebreaker and valuable entertainment factor of our event!»

Martina Goertz

F. Hoffmann-La Roche

«Thanks for the great online poker tournament! You are a great team and it was fun to play with you!!! Please send many greetings from us to your guys. We had a lot of fun and have decided to use it privately from time to time as well.»

Sabrina Müller

«Our team enjoyed the Casino Night very much. From the planning to the end of the event, everything was perfectly organized and we were able to enjoy the evening to the fullest.»

Chr.G. und Team

Deloitte AG

«Thank you thank you for the great event yesterday!!! It was a really great night!!! Can hardly put it into words.»

Sandra Wouangang

Falkenstein Menziken

«It was a super event for us and we enjoyed it a lot. Despite the game, we were able to work firmly on team finding. Very well organized and brought across.»

S. Gomez

LGT Bank (Schweiz) AG

«We had a wonderful evening that people enjoyed from A-Z. The Giesserei and the Poker Academy are a top combination for an unforgettable evening. Once again, many thanks to the entire Poker Academy team and for your kind support in preparing the event.»

Philippe Weinberger

Leiter AXA Brokers Services Suisse Romande

«All my employees participated with great pleasure in the virtual poker evening. They were two very successful evenings and my thanks go especially to the croupiers who accompanied us and taught us the ins and outs of poker. We all had a lot of fun and will keep these events in good memory.»

D. Rees

F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.

«Our team was very enthusiastic about this activity. Mrs. Chinello from the Poker Academy led this very professionally, we learned a lot about strategies, about behavioral processes, about different team characters, and we all had a lot of fun. A very successful activity that we can only recommend to others.»

S. Eberhard

KonoConcept GmbH

«Thank you for the good cooperation. We will be happy to come back to you at a next opportunity! The anniversary event was a great success. You also made a contribution to it. We thank you very much for that. As a small thank you, we have integrated your company logo in the event video. You'll find it here.»

A. Rall
PSA Finance Suisse SA

«We are very happy with the event and the evening. It was a great atmosphere - and what's more, it achieved exactly the goal I set myself: a relaxed, playful evening with lots of sharing among employees who don't know each other that well. Thank you for the organization + the brilliant execution.»

M. Siegrist

Stiftung contetto

«I really want to tell you that we have received a lot of positive feedback about the poker event as well as the whole anniversary event. Some of us are adding poker to our gaming repertoire... We are very pleased that the game of poker and your inputs on it were very well received. Thank you again to you and your dedicated poker team!»